Early-onset Alzheimer’s and SSDI
Alzheimer’s disease isn’t exclusively a condition that affects those 65 and over. Sometimes it strikes people earlier in life. Those who are diagnosed with the disease in their 40s or 50s are considered to have early-onset (or younger-onset) Alzheimer’s. People in...
Handling gaps in treatment history or refusal of care in your SSD claim
When you filed for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, you were asked to provide a lot of information – including information about the medical treatment you’ve received for your conditions. The only problem is that you have some gaps in your care. There were...
Peripheral neuropathy: An often-debilitating condition
Many people don’t realize how much they rely on nerves for the body to function properly. When there’s damage to the nerves, the body may not work as it should. One condition that can occur with nerve damage is peripheral neuropathy. This condition can lead to pain...