
What Will I Testify About?

When facing a disability hearing, whether at the appeals stage or for the first time, it is important to know what you will be testifying about so you can prepare. One of the best ways you can prepare is by hiring a Social Security disability attorney, as they have...

Family Members Eligible for SSDI Benefits

By qualifying for Social Security disability benefits, some of your family members may also be eligible for benefits. The specifics of the rules are rather intricate, so if you believe you are eligible under a parent or spouse, contact Davis-Morris Law Firm for your...

Social Security and Children

Whenever a child is sick, the parent will do everything they can to help them. If a serious disease, such as cancer, is diagnosed in a child, Social Security benefits are often available. Parents often need help with medical costs, along with supplemental income, as...

Reporting Changes to Social Security

What happens after you have won your Social Security disability benefits and something changes in your life? The Social Security Administration does require you to report any changes that will affect the amount you are receiving in benefits. Whether this change...

Disability Application Components

When it comes to applying for Social Security disability benefits, it can become overwhelming. The application process alone is enough to make anyone’s head spin! On top of this, many who apply are denied the benefits they ought to be guaranteed. Fortunately,...

Working While On Disability?

Depending on the type of disability benefits you or a loved one has qualified for, it is possible to work while still on disability. Clearly, some disabilities do not allow for anyone to work in any capacity, which is why these benefits exist. However, sometimes...

Existing Benefits

The world of disability and social security benefits is a complex and difficult one. Hiring an attorney to assist you in your quest for benefits will likely be the smartest thing you can do. However, it will not hurt to understand a brief overview of what types of...

What Is Social Security Disability Law?

Social Security disability law is a program under the auspices of the US Federal Government. The program is designed to provide income and benefits to those who are either physically or mentally disabled. The goal of SSD programs is to give the disabled worker and his...